
Further information

Broschures (Broschüren)

Information sheets / Flyers (Infoblätter / Flyer)

Websites (Webseiten)

  • Palliative care and hospice guide (Wegweiser Hospiz-und Palliativmedizin Deutschland), Deutsche Gesellschaft für Palliativmedizin
  • Migration and health (Internetportal Migration und Gesundheit), Bundesministerium für Gesundheit
  • Self-assessment: What effect does providing home nursing care have on your well-being? (Fragebogen Selbsteinschätzung zur Belastung durch häusliche Pflege) digiDEM Bayern
  • Handbook Germany: Nursing Care System (Pflegebedürftig), neue deutsche medienmacher*innen

Videos / Films (Videos / Filme)

Other materials and forms (Sonstige Materialien und Formulare)

Current information about coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2)

The Ethno-Medical Centre has created a multilingual website with information and practical advice on the new coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) (Ethno-Medizinisches Zentrum e.V.): www.mimi-bestellportal.de/download/317/corona-information/25435/corona-information-din-a4-6-seiten-englisch.pdf

Coronavirus protective vaccine

By getting vaccinated with the coronavirus protective vaccine, you help protect yourself, your family and the most vulnerable members of our society. Anyone who resides in Germany, is ordinarily resident in Germany or works in certain care facilities in Germany but does not live in Germany has the right to get the vaccine.

Getting vaccinated is voluntary and the vaccine is administered free of charge in vaccination centres or at doctor’s offices. By calling 116 117, you can find out when and where you can get vaccinated. 

The vaccines have been checked thoroughly with regards to tolerability, safety and efficacy.